121 Richmond St, Charlottetown

Family Sponsorship


Family Sponsorship

Family Sponsorship Overview:
The Family Sponsorship program is one of the pillars of Canada’s immigration system, allowing Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their eligible family members for permanent residence in Canada. This program enables reunification of families and supports the integration of newcomers into Canadian society by providing them with the support of their relatives.

Eligibility Criteria:
Eligibility criteria for the Family Sponsorship program depend on both the sponsor (the Canadian citizen or permanent resident) and the sponsored family member. Key eligibility requirements include:

– Relationship: Sponsors can typically sponsor their spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, parents, and grandparents. In some cases, other relatives may also be eligible for sponsorship.

– Status of Sponsor: Sponsors must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents living in Canada. They must demonstrate the ability to support the sponsored family member financially and meet certain income requirements.

– Age: Sponsored family members must meet age requirements specified by the program. For example, dependent children must be under a certain age to be eligible.

– Admissibility: Both sponsors and sponsored family members must meet admissibility requirements, including medical, criminal, and security checks.

Application Process:

The application process for Family Sponsorship typically involves the following steps:

1. Sponsorship Application: The sponsor submits a sponsorship application to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), along with the necessary supporting documents and fees.

2. Processing: IRCC assesses the sponsorship application to ensure that the sponsor meets all eligibility requirements and that the relationship with the sponsored family member is genuine.

3. Sponsored Family Member’s Application: Once the sponsorship application is approved, the sponsored family member submits their application for permanent residence to IRCC, including supporting documents and fees.

4. Medical and Criminal Checks: Sponsored family members undergo medical examinations and provide police clearance certificates to demonstrate admissibility.

5. Approval and Arrival: If the application is approved, the sponsored family member receives confirmation of permanent residence and can then travel to Canada to become a permanent resident.

Responsibilities of Sponsors:
Sponsors have certain responsibilities toward their sponsored family members, including:

– Financial Support: Sponsors must provide financial support to their sponsored family members to help them settle and establish themselves in Canada.

– Basic Needs: Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that their sponsored family members have access to essential needs such as housing, food, and clothing.

– Healthcare: Sponsors must ensure that their sponsored family members have access to healthcare services in Canada.